District 3310 Membership Seminars for East Malaysia and Brunei

Sunday, 2 September 2012

District 3310 Membership Seminars for East Malaysia and Brunei was held on Sunday, 2 September 2012 at Kuching for Clubs in Sarawak region and Saturday, 8 September in Kota Kinabalu for Clubs in Sabah region.  All in we had almost 100 Rotarians and guests attending the Seminars.  Seminar @Kuching was organised by RC Kuching and the Seminar @KK was organised by RC Luyang.

Highlights from Seminar @Kuching – 2 Sep 2012



Both Seminars were well received by participants, as many were clearly impressed with the changed format of engagement and involvement throughout the sessions.  The Seminar@KK coincided with SINDEX 2012 – one of the most important Rotary events in the calendar for Clubs in Sabah.  The Festive season also allowed us to enjoy fantastic Raya Fellowship organised for Family of Rotary in Sabah, which saw more than 100 in attendance and having a great time.

The culmination of the 4 Regional Seminars merely marks the end of the beginning for Membership Development.  The more important and challenging task remains ahead of us, as we embark on our mission to achieve significant growth of membership in our District.  It has been a promising start with nett gain of more than 40 new members in the 1st two months of this Rotary year.  If we keep the momentum going maybe we shall achieve over 200 members in the next 10 months.  Wishful thinking or is it really possible?

Nothing is impossible as long as we remain focussed and do our best to achieve our goal.  Let’s Every Rotarian: Reach One Keep One (ROKO).
Highlights from Seminar@KK – 8 Sep 2012



Contributed by PP Ravi Velu, RC Queenstown
Chair, District 3310 Membership Development Committee 2012 – 2013