BOD: 2019 – 2020

President & Board of Directors 2019 – 2020


Standing (L-R):
Leslie Phuan, Michael Kuan, Alan Poh, Sim Cho Phong, Victor Hii, Lim Terk Zhi, Roland Phang, Benjamin Lo,
Thomas Ngu, Wong Chen Yi, Tiong Khai, Louis Wong, Aw Tai Hui, KC Wong, Frankie Ong, Clarence Yong

Andre Suharto, Jong Kiam Ngee, Leonard Sia, Farrez Teh, Abel Chieng Lee Ching

PDG Andre Suharto, PP Frankie Ong, PP KC Wong, PP Leslie Phuan, PP Kho Ping, PP Ng Yaw Hua, PP Aw Tai Hui, PP Clarence Yong

PP Sim Cho Phong

PP Abel Chieng Lee Ching

2019 – 2020
Hon Secretary RTN FARREZ TEH
Immediate Past President JONG KIAM NGEE
President Elect WONG CHEN YI
Vice President MICHAEL KUAN
Hon Treasurer PP THOMAS NGU
Sergent- At -Arms PP BENJAMIN LO
   Service Chairs:
Club Administration Chair RTN ALAN POH
Membership Chair RTN VICTOR HII
Public Relation Chair RTN LOUIS WONG
Rotary Foundation Chair PE WONG CHEN YI
Service Projects Chair RTN ROLAND PHANG
Vocational Service Chair RTN TIONG KAI
Youth Service Chair RTN MICHAEL KUAN
Community Service Chair RTN LIM TERK ZHI
International Service Chair PP CLARENCE YONG
Prevention of Blindness Chair PP CHAI KO JEE